What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that is downloaded to your device when you access a website.

What are cookies used for?

They allow the website to recognize your device and keep certain information about your preferences or previous actions to allow the website to function or improve its functioning. They also provide information to the site’s publishers. In short, cookies help us to offer you a good browsing experience on our website and to improve it.

Are all cookies the same?

Not exactly.

Cookies can be different depending on their lifespan or origin.

1. There are two types of lifespan for cookies:
  • Session cookies, which are temporary and will only be stored in the memory of your browser when it is opened. As soon as the browser is closed, the cookie will be deleted from your history.
  • Permanent cookies that have an expiry date. These cookies are not deleted when the browser is closed, but are deleted once the expiry date has been reached. These periods are set according to the purpose of the cookies. You can also delete these cookies manually.
2. Cookies can come from different origins:
  • First-party cookies are created by the website you are visiting.
  • Third-party cookies are created by third-party providers and placed by the website editor for different purposes.

You will find more information about cookies, including how to see which cookies have been placed on your device and how to manage and delete them, on the following websites: and

Web beacons

Web beacons (also called "internet tags", "pixel tags", "clear GIF" or "html tags") are generally invisible image files placed on a website. Web beacons are used in combination with cookies to take into account the actions of visitors to our website. We may use tags to obtain information such as the IP address of the device that downloaded the page where the tag appears or the URL of the page where the tag appears, the time the page was accessed and the version of the browser used to visit the page.

IP and URL addresses

An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique identifier that some devices use to identify themselves and communicate over the Internet. When you visit our website, we can see the IP address of the device used to connect to the internet via the aforementioned web beacons. This information is used to determine the general location of the device. We may use this information to change the way we present our sites to improve your visit.

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a unique identifier or address for each resource on the Internet. For example, this is the address of the web page you are visiting. We use this information to find out which pages are visited and how you browse our website.

How can I change my cookie settings?

Most web browsers allow you to configure the majority of cookies through the settings. You can find more information about setting cookies on the following sites: ou

Learn how to set cookies on the most common browsers:

To find information about other browsers, we recommend that you visit the website of the browser developer.

To disable Google Analytics tracking on all websites, go to

What types of cookies do we use?

It is only used to assign a specific session to the user. The advantage of the session ID is that if you open multiple windows of the same web page, they are assigned to a single session. This allows you to initiate multiple requests at the same time without losing important personal information.
Category General information Cookie name Use Expiry
Strictly necessary cookies This cookie is set by Unify XSRF-TOKEN This token is used to verify that the authenticated user is the person who actually requests the application. Since this token is stored in the user’s session and changes with each session regeneration, a malicious application cannot access it. When the session closes
Strictly necessary cookies This cookie is set by Unify _session A session starts as soon as you access a website or web application. It can also include the time between a login and a logout. The server immediately generates a "session identifier" which is transferred to the client. This identifier is a random number that the session cookie temporarily stores.When the session closes
Strictly necessary cookies This cookie is set by Unify validationsOfCookies Il est uniquement utilisé pour attribuer une session spécifique à l’utilisateur. L’identifiant de session présente un avantage majeur : si vous ouvrez plusieurs fenêtres de la même page Web, elles sont attribuées à une seule session. Cela permet de lancer plusieurs demandes en même temps sans perdre d’importantes informations personnelles. 6 months